A couple of months ago I announced I was writing an EP. Things have been massively delayed on that due to issues in my personal life and honestly things have gone extremely sour to the point where a few plans that I had have been completely foiled.
I still have the lyrics for the songs written, but I'm not sure how many will end up being on the final album. The plan for the album was for it to be more about some of the insecurities I was having at the time when I was writing those tracks, but because of what I'm going through I've not been able to focus on those insecurities as much. I just don't feel I can give it the heart and soul that I was able to back then.
I could totally re-write the album to be about what I'm going through at the moment but I feel like that would be a bit inappropriate and essentially kicking the can down the road, so-to-speak.
If I end up getting into the right mindset to actually start working on the music for this EP, it will likely end up consisting of 4 tracks instead of 6 like I was hoping. Who knows at this point.
Hopefully I'm able to release SOMETHING before the year ends, I can't have the only thing I release this year be Wing It!